This page provides postcode data for the E00053270 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00053270 contains approximately 144 households with a population of about 262 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
WV6 8AA | 52.586884 | -2.173291 | 388356 | 298801 | SO883988 | Yes |
WV6 8AB | 52.586625 | -2.174167 | 388297 | 298772 | SO882987 | Yes |
WV6 8AD | 52.586299 | -2.175376 | 388215 | 298736 | SO882987 | Yes |
WV6 8AE | 52.586152 | -2.177501 | 388071 | 298720 | SO880987 | Yes |
WV6 8AF | 52.585737 | -2.176992 | 388105 | 298674 | SO881986 | Yes |
WV6 8AG | 52.585149 | -2.180803 | 387847 | 298609 | SO878986 | Yes |
WV6 8AQ | 52.584574 | -2.180549 | 387864 | 298545 | SO878985 | No |
WV6 8PG | 52.588432 | -2.173849 | 388319 | 298973 | SO883989 | Yes |
WV6 8WA | 52.587649 | -2.174245 | 388292 | 298886 | SO882988 | No |
WV6 8WB | 52.587649 | -2.174245 | 388292 | 298886 | SO882988 | No |
WV6 8WQ | 52.587649 | -2.174245 | 388292 | 298886 | SO882988 | No |
WV6 8WX | 52.587649 | -2.174245 | 388292 | 298886 | SO882988 | No |
WV6 8XR | 52.587097 | -2.177091 | 388099 | 298825 | SO880988 | Yes |