This page provides postcode data for the E00052717 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00052717 contains approximately 118 households with a population of about 275 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
WV10 6AX | 52.630632 | -2.121537 | 391871 | 303660 | SJ918036 | Yes |
WV10 6LS | 52.630256 | -2.120531 | 391939 | 303618 | SJ919036 | Yes |
WV10 8AR | 52.628819 | -2.11871 | 392062 | 303458 | SJ920034 | Yes |
WV10 8UZ | 52.629835 | -2.118698 | 392063 | 303571 | SJ920035 | Yes |
WV10 8YT | 52.630096 | -2.118152 | 392100 | 303600 | SJ921035 | No |
WV10 8YX | 52.630096 | -2.118152 | 392100 | 303600 | SJ921035 | No |