This page provides postcode data for the E00051565 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00051565 contains approximately 147 households with a population of about 370 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
B91 1QA | 52.406804 | -1.801797 | 413580 | 278774 | SP135787 | Yes |
B91 1QD | 52.408069 | -1.804047 | 413427 | 278914 | SP134789 | Yes |
B91 1SS | 52.405962 | -1.801954 | 413570 | 278680 | SP135786 | Yes |
B91 1TP | 52.406783 | -1.803626 | 413456 | 278771 | SP134787 | Yes |
B91 1TQ | 52.406766 | -1.804597 | 413390 | 278769 | SP133787 | Yes |
B91 1TZ | 52.405786 | -1.80441 | 413403 | 278660 | SP134786 | Yes |
B91 1UB | 52.406723 | -1.805743 | 413312 | 278764 | SP133787 | Yes |