This page provides postcode data for the E00051382 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00051382 contains approximately 133 households with a population of about 348 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
B92 7LY | 52.449016 | -1.796965 | 413896 | 283470 | SP138834 | Yes |
B92 7QL | 52.447354 | -1.797841 | 413837 | 283285 | SP138832 | Yes |
B92 7QN | 52.448322 | -1.796232 | 413946 | 283393 | SP139833 | Yes |
B92 7QP | 52.449072 | -1.794825 | 414041 | 283477 | SP140834 | Yes |
B92 7QW | 52.44863 | -1.794312 | 414076 | 283428 | SP140834 | Yes |
B92 7QZ | 52.449278 | -1.792491 | 414200 | 283500 | SP141835 | No |
B92 8EH | 52.449124 | -1.792035 | 414231 | 283483 | SP142834 | Yes |