This page provides postcode data for the E00049732 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00049732 contains approximately 137 households with a population of about 374 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
DY6 9RL | 52.493463 | -2.177415 | 388051 | 288410 | SO880884 | Yes |
DY6 9RP | 52.49281 | -2.181066 | 387803 | 288338 | SO878883 | Yes |
DY6 9XE | 52.495337 | -2.180516 | 387841 | 288619 | SO878886 | Yes |
DY6 9XF | 52.495279 | -2.177231 | 388064 | 288612 | SO880886 | Yes |
DY6 9XH | 52.494951 | -2.180574 | 387837 | 288576 | SO878885 | Yes |
DY6 9XJ | 52.495169 | -2.181125 | 387800 | 288600 | SO878885 | No |
DY6 9XQ | 52.495214 | -2.178542 | 387975 | 288605 | SO879886 | Yes |