This page provides postcode data for the E00049486 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00049486 contains approximately 111 households with a population of about 278 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
DY3 3XB | 52.531345 | -2.122156 | 391810 | 292616 | SO918926 | Yes |
DY3 3XF | 52.529494 | -2.121738 | 391838 | 292410 | SO918924 | Yes |
DY3 3XH | 52.528756 | -2.122458 | 391789 | 292328 | SO917923 | Yes |
DY3 3XR | 52.530986 | -2.122022 | 391819 | 292576 | SO918925 | Yes |
DY3 3XS | 52.529555 | -2.12389 | 391692 | 292417 | SO916924 | Yes |
DY3 3XT | 52.529735 | -2.123021 | 391751 | 292437 | SO917924 | Yes |
DY3 3XZ | 52.530304 | -2.12378 | 391700 | 292500 | SO917925 | No |