This page provides postcode data for the E00048866 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00048866 contains approximately 116 households with a population of about 293 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CV2 3GW | 52.420836 | -1.474382 | 435843 | 280446 | SP358804 | Yes |
CV2 3GX | 52.419217 | -1.474159 | 435859 | 280266 | SP358802 | Yes |
CV2 3HJ | 52.420607 | -1.475187 | 435788 | 280420 | SP357804 | Yes |
CV2 3HP | 52.421102 | -1.475475 | 435768 | 280475 | SP357804 | Yes |
CV2 3HQ | 52.42191 | -1.475215 | 435785 | 280565 | SP357805 | Yes |
CV2 3HT | 52.421396 | -1.474913 | 435806 | 280508 | SP358805 | Yes |