This page provides postcode data for the E00041570 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00041570 contains approximately 132 households with a population of about 289 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
NE40 4TE | 54.965375 | -1.782712 | 414010 | 563438 | NZ140634 | Yes |
NE40 4UL | 54.963914 | -1.784922 | 413869 | 563275 | NZ138632 | Yes |
NE40 4UR | 54.964243 | -1.782796 | 414005 | 563312 | NZ140633 | Yes |
NE40 4UT | 54.965107 | -1.783479 | 413961 | 563408 | NZ139634 | Yes |
NE40 4UU | 54.965997 | -1.783537 | 413957 | 563507 | NZ139635 | Yes |
NE40 4YX | 54.965933 | -1.782865 | 414000 | 563500 | NZ140635 | No |