This page provides postcode data for the E00040789 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00040789 contains approximately 127 households with a population of about 276 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
S7 1GW | 53.359105 | -1.485926 | 434311 | 384815 | SK343848 | Yes |
S7 1HQ | 53.360498 | -1.485744 | 434322 | 384970 | SK343849 | Yes |
S7 1HR | 53.360457 | -1.486737 | 434256 | 384965 | SK342849 | Yes |
S7 1HT | 53.360414 | -1.487218 | 434224 | 384960 | SK342849 | Yes |
S7 1HU | 53.360775 | -1.487574 | 434200 | 385000 | SK342849 | No |
S7 1JA | 53.360775 | -1.487574 | 434200 | 385000 | SK342849 | No |
S7 1JB | 53.360775 | -1.487574 | 434200 | 385000 | SK342849 | No |
S7 1LP | 53.360972 | -1.487271 | 434220 | 385022 | SK342850 | Yes |
S7 1LR | 53.361199 | -1.487779 | 434186 | 385047 | SK341850 | Yes |
S7 1PA | 53.361293 | -1.48886 | 434114 | 385057 | SK341850 | Yes |