This page provides postcode data for the E00040786 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00040786 contains approximately 157 households with a population of about 384 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
S11 9AA | 53.363185 | -1.492083 | 433898 | 385266 | SK338852 | Yes |
S11 9AH | 53.36256 | -1.490798 | 433984 | 385197 | SK339851 | Yes |
S7 1NQ | 53.364601 | -1.490909 | 433975 | 385424 | SK339854 | Yes |
S7 1NT | 53.364604 | -1.49163 | 433927 | 385424 | SK339854 | Yes |
S7 1NW | 53.363712 | -1.486998 | 434236 | 385327 | SK342853 | Yes |
S7 1NX | 53.363301 | -1.487559 | 434199 | 385281 | SK341852 | Yes |
S7 1NY | 53.362981 | -1.488284 | 434151 | 385245 | SK341852 | Yes |
S7 1NZ | 53.362092 | -1.488685 | 434125 | 385146 | SK341851 | Yes |