This page provides postcode data for the E00039473 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00039473 contains approximately 175 households with a population of about 385 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
S64 8LJ | 53.473171 | -1.309379 | 445938 | 397604 | SK459976 | Yes |
S64 8LL | 53.475053 | -1.311458 | 445798 | 397812 | SK457978 | Yes |
S64 8NZ | 53.476115 | -1.31477 | 445577 | 397928 | SK455979 | Yes |
S64 8PL | 53.475417 | -1.313712 | 445648 | 397851 | SK456978 | Yes |
S64 8PN | 53.473581 | -1.308634 | 445987 | 397650 | SK459976 | Yes |
S64 8RA | 53.473169 | -1.310569 | 445859 | 397603 | SK458976 | Yes |