This page provides postcode data for the E00038347 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00038347 contains approximately 122 households with a population of about 324 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
DN2 6LU | 53.527141 | -1.09654 | 459989 | 403766 | SE599037 | Yes |
DN2 6LZ | 53.526857 | -1.095852 | 460035 | 403735 | SE600037 | Yes |
DN2 6NP | 53.52712 | -1.092633 | 460248 | 403767 | SE602037 | Yes |
DN2 6NT | 53.527639 | -1.094689 | 460111 | 403823 | SE601038 | Yes |
DN2 6NU | 53.528413 | -1.094778 | 460104 | 403909 | SE601039 | Yes |
DN2 6NY | 53.529655 | -1.096139 | 460012 | 404046 | SE600040 | Yes |
DN2 6QP | 53.528742 | -1.093142 | 460212 | 403947 | SE602039 | Yes |
DN2 6QS | 53.527884 | -1.092602 | 460249 | 403852 | SE602038 | Yes |