This page provides postcode data for the E00036514 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00036514 contains approximately 100 households with a population of about 247 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CH46 1RE | 53.412731 | -3.103115 | 326774 | 391225 | SJ267912 | Yes |
CH46 1RF | 53.412286 | -3.102637 | 326805 | 391175 | SJ268911 | Yes |
CH46 1RH | 53.412433 | -3.101302 | 326894 | 391190 | SJ268911 | Yes |
CH46 1RJ | 53.413996 | -3.100394 | 326957 | 391363 | SJ269913 | Yes |
CH46 1RL | 53.413575 | -3.100248 | 326966 | 391316 | SJ269913 | Yes |
CH46 3RU | 53.413319 | -3.103641 | 326740 | 391291 | SJ267912 | Yes |
L46 1QS | 53.41251 | -3.102718 | 326800 | 391200 | SJ267912 | No |
L46 1RE | 53.412524 | -3.101214 | 326900 | 391200 | SJ268912 | No |
L46 1RF | 53.41251 | -3.102718 | 326800 | 391200 | SJ267912 | No |
L46 3RX | 53.413409 | -3.102741 | 326800 | 391300 | SJ268913 | No |