This page provides postcode data for the E00034250 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00034250 contains approximately 168 households with a population of about 388 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
L24 2TL | 53.342264 | -2.835575 | 344465 | 383144 | SJ444831 | Yes |
L24 2TW | 53.342058 | -2.832882 | 344644 | 383119 | SJ446831 | Yes |
L24 2TX | 53.342771 | -2.831169 | 344759 | 383197 | SJ447831 | Yes |
L24 2TZ | 53.341993 | -2.830673 | 344791 | 383110 | SJ447831 | Yes |
L24 2UA | 53.342101 | -2.831967 | 344705 | 383123 | SJ447831 | Yes |
L24 2XT | 53.34221 | -2.835544 | 344467 | 383138 | SJ444831 | No |