This page provides postcode data for the E00030977 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00030977 contains approximately 123 households with a population of about 392 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M16 0EL | 53.454657 | -2.276521 | 381735 | 395358 | SJ817953 | Yes |
M16 0FL | 53.454324 | -2.276534 | 381734 | 395321 | SJ817953 | Yes |
M16 0LB | 53.45609 | -2.278518 | 381603 | 395518 | SJ816955 | Yes |
M16 0LF | 53.456742 | -2.27652 | 381736 | 395590 | SJ817955 | Yes |
M16 0LS | 53.455007 | -2.276764 | 381719 | 395397 | SJ817953 | Yes |
M16 0LX | 53.455911 | -2.278246 | 381621 | 395498 | SJ816954 | Yes |
M16 0LY | 53.455104 | -2.277608 | 381663 | 395408 | SJ816954 | Yes |
M16 0WP | 53.45664 | -2.277769 | 381653 | 395579 | SJ816955 | Yes |
M16 0WQ | 53.456739 | -2.277679 | 381659 | 395590 | SJ816955 | Yes |