This page provides postcode data for the E00029629 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00029629 contains approximately 135 households with a population of about 343 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SK8 3DY | 53.371721 | -2.2241 | 385187 | 386119 | SJ851861 | Yes |
SK8 3DZ | 53.36994 | -2.225068 | 385122 | 385921 | SJ851859 | Yes |
SK8 3EA | 53.370064 | -2.225955 | 385063 | 385935 | SJ850859 | Yes |
SK8 3EB | 53.369551 | -2.226463 | 385029 | 385878 | SJ850858 | Yes |
SK8 3ER | 53.372037 | -2.223576 | 385222 | 386154 | SJ852861 | Yes |
SK8 3EU | 53.369591 | -2.224405 | 385166 | 385882 | SJ851858 | Yes |
SK8 3UH | 53.370649 | -2.225402 | 385100 | 386000 | SJ851859 | No |
SK8 3UP | 53.370633 | -2.2245 | 385160 | 385998 | SJ851859 | Yes |