This page provides postcode data for the E00029619 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00029619 contains approximately 116 households with a population of about 288 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SK8 3RG | 53.373183 | -2.230781 | 384743 | 386283 | SJ847862 | Yes |
SK8 3RH | 53.373734 | -2.229101 | 384855 | 386344 | SJ848863 | Yes |
SK8 3RJ | 53.373658 | -2.231475 | 384697 | 386336 | SJ846863 | Yes |
SK8 3RN | 53.374319 | -2.233343 | 384573 | 386410 | SJ845864 | Yes |
SK8 3RQ | 53.372483 | -2.230282 | 384776 | 386205 | SJ847862 | Yes |
SK8 3SQ | 53.374239 | -2.228638 | 384886 | 386400 | SJ848864 | Yes |