This page provides postcode data for the E00029608 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00029608 contains approximately 129 households with a population of about 311 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SK8 3LN | 53.364457 | -2.229562 | 384821 | 385312 | SJ848853 | Yes |
SK8 3LP | 53.362674 | -2.226697 | 385011 | 385113 | SJ850851 | Yes |
SK8 3LR | 53.361694 | -2.226602 | 385017 | 385004 | SJ850850 | Yes |
SK8 3LW | 53.362897 | -2.227705 | 384944 | 385138 | SJ849851 | Yes |
SK8 3PB | 53.363124 | -2.22664 | 385015 | 385163 | SJ850851 | Yes |