This page provides postcode data for the E00029344 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00029344 contains approximately 147 households with a population of about 457 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SK8 6SB | 53.370611 | -2.207066 | 386320 | 385992 | SJ863859 | Yes |
SK8 6SG | 53.37003 | -2.205245 | 386441 | 385927 | SJ864859 | Yes |
SK8 6SP | 53.367745 | -2.20588 | 386398 | 385673 | SJ863856 | Yes |
SK8 6SQ | 53.36825 | -2.20495 | 386460 | 385729 | SJ864857 | Yes |
SK8 6SR | 53.36894 | -2.205704 | 386410 | 385806 | SJ864858 | Yes |
SK8 6SS | 53.369236 | -2.206804 | 386337 | 385839 | SJ863858 | Yes |
SK8 6SW | 53.367771 | -2.206722 | 386342 | 385676 | SJ863856 | Yes |