This page provides postcode data for the E00028969 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00028969 contains approximately 81 households with a population of about 122 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M6 7AJ | 53.491838 | -2.296885 | 380400 | 399500 | SJ803994 | No |
M6 7AP | 53.491612 | -2.297441 | 380363 | 399475 | SJ803994 | Yes |
M6 8NZ | 53.489941 | -2.297097 | 380385 | 399289 | SJ803992 | Yes |
M6 8RL | 53.490504 | -2.298593 | 380286 | 399352 | SJ802993 | Yes |
M6 8RQ | 53.489805 | -2.297805 | 380338 | 399274 | SJ803992 | Yes |
M6 8RR | 53.490318 | -2.297522 | 380357 | 399331 | SJ803993 | No |
M6 8RS | 53.490794 | -2.297405 | 380365 | 399384 | SJ803993 | No |
M6 8RU | 53.491469 | -2.297229 | 380377 | 399459 | SJ803994 | No |
M6 8RZ | 53.489789 | -2.296931 | 380396 | 399272 | SJ803992 | No |
M6 8SB | 53.490228 | -2.297356 | 380368 | 399321 | SJ803993 | Yes |
M6 8SE | 53.490785 | -2.29748 | 380360 | 399383 | SJ803993 | Yes |
M6 8SG | 53.491826 | -2.298029 | 380324 | 399499 | SJ803994 | Yes |