This page provides postcode data for the E00027396 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00027396 contains approximately 106 households with a population of about 257 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
OL3 5GH | 53.569273 | -1.989211 | 400812 | 408074 | SE008080 | Yes |
OL3 5JY | 53.566963 | -1.991642 | 400651 | 407817 | SE006078 | Yes |
OL3 5JZ | 53.568608 | -1.990494 | 400727 | 408000 | SE007079 | Yes |
OL3 5LA | 53.568887 | -1.988456 | 400862 | 408031 | SE008080 | Yes |
OL3 5LB | 53.569161 | -1.975106 | 401746 | 408062 | SE017080 | Yes |
OL3 5LJ | 53.569856 | -1.990477 | 400728 | 408139 | SE007081 | Yes |
OL3 5LW | 53.570136 | -1.992729 | 400579 | 408170 | SE005081 | Yes |
OL3 5PX | 53.569247 | -1.992729 | 400579 | 408071 | SE005080 | Yes |
OL3 5PY | 53.569471 | -1.992155 | 400617 | 408096 | SE006080 | Yes |
OL3 5TF | 53.56777 | -1.990115 | 400752 | 407907 | SE007079 | Yes |