This page provides postcode data for the E00026909 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00026909 contains approximately 130 households with a population of about 297 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M22 1PE | 53.371783 | -2.268393 | 382240 | 386136 | SJ822861 | Yes |
M22 1PF | 53.371827 | -2.268905 | 382206 | 386141 | SJ822861 | Yes |
M22 1PJ | 53.371835 | -2.269341 | 382177 | 386142 | SJ821861 | Yes |
M22 1PL | 53.371018 | -2.26896 | 382202 | 386051 | SJ822860 | Yes |
M22 1PP | 53.370789 | -2.270792 | 382080 | 386026 | SJ820860 | Yes |
M22 1PW | 53.371075 | -2.271485 | 382034 | 386058 | SJ820860 | Yes |
M22 1SY | 53.372357 | -2.268998 | 382200 | 386200 | SJ822862 | No |
M22 1SZ | 53.372357 | -2.268998 | 382200 | 386200 | SJ822862 | No |
M22 1WP | 53.370613 | -2.268957 | 382202 | 386006 | SJ822860 | Yes |
M22 1WQ | 53.371292 | -2.270795 | 382080 | 386082 | SJ820860 | Yes |
M22 6PE | 53.371783 | -2.268393 | 382240 | 386136 | SJ822861 | No |
M22 6PF | 53.371836 | -2.26889 | 382207 | 386142 | SJ822861 | No |
M22 6PJ | 53.371835 | -2.269341 | 382177 | 386142 | SJ821861 | No |
M22 6PL | 53.371018 | -2.268945 | 382203 | 386051 | SJ822860 | No |
M22 6PP | 53.370789 | -2.270777 | 382081 | 386026 | SJ820860 | No |
M22 6PW | 53.371075 | -2.271485 | 382034 | 386058 | SJ820860 | No |
M22 6SY | 53.372357 | -2.268998 | 382200 | 386200 | SJ822862 | No |
M22 6SZ | 53.372357 | -2.268998 | 382200 | 386200 | SJ822862 | No |