This page provides postcode data for the E00025634 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00025634 contains approximately 101 households with a population of about 252 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M13 0AG | 53.462268 | -2.211745 | 386039 | 396190 | SJ860961 | Yes |
M13 0BR | 53.462324 | -2.209529 | 386186 | 396196 | SJ861961 | Yes |
M13 0JY | 53.463445 | -2.211615 | 386048 | 396321 | SJ860963 | Yes |
M13 0LA | 53.461238 | -2.209556 | 386184 | 396075 | SJ861960 | Yes |
M13 0LE | 53.462046 | -2.209106 | 386214 | 396165 | SJ862961 | Yes |
M13 0LZ | 53.461445 | -2.209542 | 386185 | 396098 | SJ861960 | Yes |
M13 9AF | 53.464071 | -2.213456 | 385926 | 396391 | SJ859963 | Yes |
M13 9AL | 53.462815 | -2.212154 | 386012 | 396251 | SJ860962 | Yes |
M13 9AN | 53.463866 | -2.212415 | 385995 | 396368 | SJ859963 | Yes |
M13 9AW | 53.462638 | -2.210978 | 386090 | 396231 | SJ860962 | Yes |
M13 9BE | 53.463068 | -2.211824 | 386034 | 396279 | SJ860962 | Yes |
M13 9BF | 53.46314 | -2.211568 | 386051 | 396287 | SJ860962 | Yes |