This page provides postcode data for the E00023757 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00023757 contains approximately 76 households with a population of about 141 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
W2 1BS | 51.522362 | -0.173945 | 526785 | 181963 | TQ267819 | Yes |
W2 1BU | 51.522223 | -0.17372 | 526801 | 181948 | TQ268819 | Yes |
W2 1DE | 51.522404 | -0.174361 | 526756 | 181967 | TQ267819 | Yes |
W2 1DQ | 51.522779 | -0.174735 | 526729 | 182008 | TQ267820 | Yes |
W2 1XT | 51.522779 | -0.174735 | 526729 | 182008 | TQ267820 | No |
W2 1XU | 51.522454 | -0.174085 | 526775 | 181973 | TQ267819 | No |