This page provides postcode data for the E00018638 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00018638 contains approximately 144 households with a population of about 337 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
IG6 3DF | 51.604453 | 0.103757 | 545787 | 191609 | TQ457916 | Yes |
IG6 3DH | 51.605639 | 0.104823 | 545857 | 191743 | TQ458917 | Yes |
IG6 3DN | 51.605291 | 0.105182 | 545883 | 191705 | TQ458917 | Yes |
IG6 3DQ | 51.60498 | 0.103507 | 545768 | 191667 | TQ457916 | Yes |
IG6 3DW | 51.604707 | 0.105184 | 545885 | 191640 | TQ458916 | Yes |
IG6 3DY | 51.605945 | 0.10283 | 545718 | 191773 | TQ457917 | Yes |