This page provides postcode data for the E00017559 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00017559 contains approximately 133 households with a population of about 373 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
KT3 6JB | 51.397135 | -0.23108 | 523158 | 167940 | TQ231679 | Yes |
SW20 9JG | 51.398586 | -0.22536 | 523552 | 168111 | TQ235681 | Yes |
SW20 9JQ | 51.397745 | -0.226183 | 523497 | 168016 | TQ234680 | Yes |
SW20 9LZ | 51.398121 | -0.228469 | 523337 | 168054 | TQ233680 | Yes |
SW20 9NA | 51.397101 | -0.228796 | 523317 | 167940 | TQ233679 | Yes |
SW20 9NB | 51.396383 | -0.227099 | 523437 | 167863 | TQ234678 | Yes |
SW20 9NL | 51.396019 | -0.228622 | 523332 | 167820 | TQ233678 | Yes |
SW20 9PB | 51.397753 | -0.230898 | 523169 | 168009 | TQ231680 | Yes |