This page provides postcode data for the E00016416 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00016416 contains approximately 104 households with a population of about 263 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SE8 3LL | 51.483643 | -0.030225 | 536871 | 177916 | TQ368779 | Yes |
SE8 5LY | 51.482384 | -0.030153 | 536880 | 177776 | TQ368777 | Yes |
SE8 5QT | 51.483205 | -0.029855 | 536898 | 177868 | TQ368778 | Yes |
SE8 5QU | 51.482659 | -0.029994 | 536890 | 177807 | TQ368778 | Yes |
SE8 5QX | 51.482939 | -0.02955 | 536920 | 177839 | TQ369778 | Yes |
SE8 5QZ | 51.483059 | -0.030729 | 536838 | 177850 | TQ368778 | Yes |