This page provides postcode data for the E00008236 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00008236 contains approximately 170 households with a population of about 285 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SE9 5QH | 51.441101 | 0.046755 | 542348 | 173332 | TQ423733 | Yes |
SE9 5QJ | 51.440982 | 0.047397 | 542393 | 173320 | TQ423733 | Yes |
SE9 5QL | 51.440981 | 0.047973 | 542433 | 173321 | TQ424733 | Yes |
SE9 5QQ | 51.44142 | 0.045503 | 542260 | 173365 | TQ422733 | Yes |
SE9 5QS | 51.440947 | 0.048892 | 542497 | 173319 | TQ424733 | Yes |
SE9 5QT | 51.441124 | 0.045447 | 542257 | 173332 | TQ422733 | Yes |