This page provides postcode data for the E00003817 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00003817 contains approximately 106 households with a population of about 165 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SE9 4SB | 51.431881 | 0.049479 | 542566 | 172312 | TQ425723 | Yes |
SE9 4SP | 51.433576 | 0.047699 | 542437 | 172497 | TQ424724 | Yes |
SE9 4SR | 51.432591 | 0.048461 | 542493 | 172389 | TQ424723 | Yes |
SE9 4SW | 51.43334 | 0.046809 | 542376 | 172469 | TQ423724 | Yes |
SE9 4TB | 51.433118 | 0.047664 | 542436 | 172446 | TQ424724 | Yes |