This page provides postcode data for the E00000527 Census Output Area (OA) (2011). E00000527 contains approximately 120 households with a population of about 372 (2011 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
RM10 8AT | 51.541253 | 0.167929 | 550439 | 184711 | TQ504847 | Yes |
RM10 8AX | 51.539825 | 0.169808 | 550574 | 184556 | TQ505845 | Yes |
RM10 8BA | 51.540641 | 0.170495 | 550619 | 184648 | TQ506846 | Yes |
RM10 8BB | 51.539709 | 0.171202 | 550671 | 184546 | TQ506845 | Yes |
RM10 8BD | 51.540069 | 0.170714 | 550636 | 184585 | TQ506845 | No |
RM10 8UR | 51.541424 | 0.171355 | 550676 | 184737 | TQ506847 | Yes |
RM10 8XP | 51.539276 | 0.168816 | 550507 | 184493 | TQ505844 | Yes |