This page provides postcode data for the W00007124 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 115 households with a population of about 244 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CF8 9LL | 51.743833 | -3.294665 | 310710 | 205808 | SO107058 | No |
CF8 9LN | 51.744307 | -3.293215 | 310811 | 205859 | SO108058 | No |
CF8 9LP | 51.744322 | -3.292723 | 310845 | 205860 | SO108058 | No |
CF8 9LQ | 51.744037 | -3.294048 | 310753 | 205830 | SO107058 | No |
CF81 9LL | 51.743824 | -3.294679 | 310709 | 205807 | SO107058 | Yes |
CF81 9LN | 51.744307 | -3.29323 | 310810 | 205859 | SO108058 | Yes |
CF81 9LP | 51.744321 | -3.292738 | 310844 | 205860 | SO108058 | Yes |
CF81 9LQ | 51.744056 | -3.294005 | 310756 | 205832 | SO107058 | Yes |