This page provides postcode data for the W00004762 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 124 households with a population of about 334 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SA11 5LW | 51.742458 | -3.616769 | 288469 | 206099 | SN884060 | Yes |
SA11 5SW | 51.736044 | -3.631312 | 287449 | 205408 | SN874054 | Yes |
SA11 5TA | 51.735105 | -3.640605 | 286805 | 205318 | SN868053 | Yes |
SA11 5TB | 51.734239 | -3.63956 | 286875 | 205220 | SN868052 | Yes |
SA11 5TD | 51.733969 | -3.634351 | 287234 | 205182 | SN872051 | Yes |
SA11 5TE | 51.733217 | -3.639943 | 286846 | 205107 | SN868051 | Yes |
SA11 5TP | 51.731253 | -3.639261 | 286888 | 204888 | SN868048 | Yes |
SA11 5TW | 51.732543 | -3.641207 | 286757 | 205034 | SN867050 | Yes |