This page provides postcode data for the W00000856 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 114 households with a population of about 248 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LL28 5DR | 53.267308 | -3.792609 | 280541 | 375979 | SH805759 | Yes |
LL28 5LJ | 53.268782 | -3.790841 | 280663 | 376140 | SH806761 | Yes |
LL28 5LX | 53.267859 | -3.791823 | 280595 | 376039 | SH805760 | Yes |
LL28 5NA | 53.267649 | -3.794382 | 280424 | 376020 | SH804760 | Yes |
LL28 5ND | 53.266474 | -3.794884 | 280387 | 375890 | SH803758 | Yes |
LL28 5NW | 53.263887 | -3.789377 | 280747 | 375593 | SH807755 | Yes |