This page provides postcode data for the E00189855 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 133 households with a population of about 297 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
HG3 2TH | 54.005945 | -1.558598 | 429028 | 456748 | SE290567 | Yes |
HG3 2TN | 54.005722 | -1.559043 | 428999 | 456723 | SE289567 | Yes |
HG3 2TR | 54.005141 | -1.557432 | 429105 | 456659 | SE291566 | Yes |
HG3 2UN | 54.006405 | -1.556671 | 429154 | 456800 | SE291567 | Yes |
HG3 2UP | 54.005711 | -1.556052 | 429195 | 456723 | SE291567 | Yes |
HG3 2UW | 54.00595 | -1.55756 | 429096 | 456749 | SE290567 | Yes |