This page provides postcode data for the E00189427 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 137 households with a population of about 307 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SG4 0BW | 51.956493 | -0.264293 | 519369 | 230090 | TL193300 | Yes |
SG4 0HL | 51.955072 | -0.263004 | 519461 | 229934 | TL194299 | Yes |
SG4 0HN | 51.956079 | -0.263668 | 519413 | 230045 | TL194300 | Yes |
SG4 0HS | 51.955764 | -0.2624 | 519501 | 230012 | TL195300 | Yes |
SG4 0HT | 51.955657 | -0.262414 | 519500 | 230000 | TL194300 | No |
SG4 0HU | 51.954758 | -0.262449 | 519500 | 229900 | TL194298 | No |
SG4 0HW | 51.956931 | -0.26413 | 519379 | 230139 | TL193301 | Yes |
SG4 0JB | 51.95473 | -0.263037 | 519460 | 229896 | TL194298 | Yes |
SG4 0JL | 51.956123 | -0.26419 | 519377 | 230049 | TL193300 | Yes |
SG4 0RB | 51.954326 | -0.262407 | 519504 | 229852 | TL195298 | Yes |