This page provides postcode data for the E00187644 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 72 households with a population of about 204 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SG8 6GQ | 52.098277 | -0.003597 | 536848 | 246317 | TL368463 | Yes |
SG8 6LH | 52.098899 | 0.005848 | 537493 | 246404 | TL374464 | Yes |
SG8 6LJ | 52.099268 | 0.004624 | 537408 | 246443 | TL374464 | Yes |
SG8 6LL | 52.097399 | -0.003387 | 536865 | 246220 | TL368462 | Yes |
SG8 6LP | 52.096737 | 0.000613 | 537141 | 246154 | TL371461 | Yes |
SG8 6NQ | 52.098053 | -0.004322 | 536799 | 246291 | TL367462 | Yes |