This page provides postcode data for the E00187485 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 180 households with a population of about 472 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LE3 3HW | 52.621862 | -1.210391 | 453551 | 302970 | SK535029 | Yes |
LE3 3PS | 52.621295 | -1.210179 | 453566 | 302907 | SK535029 | Yes |
LE3 3PT | 52.621387 | -1.209173 | 453634 | 302918 | SK536029 | Yes |
LE3 3PY | 52.619484 | -1.212228 | 453430 | 302704 | SK534027 | Yes |
LE3 3QD | 52.619289 | -1.211287 | 453493 | 302683 | SK534026 | Yes |
LE3 3SQ | 52.620149 | -1.210902 | 453518 | 302779 | SK535027 | Yes |