This page provides postcode data for the E00180874 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 136 households with a population of about 323 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M11 1LL | 53.470003 | -2.162944 | 389281 | 397042 | SJ892970 | Yes |
M11 1LN | 53.470472 | -2.161424 | 389382 | 397094 | SJ893970 | Yes |
M11 1NR | 53.469666 | -2.166076 | 389073 | 397005 | SJ890970 | Yes |
M11 1NU | 53.470729 | -2.163851 | 389221 | 397123 | SJ892971 | Yes |
M11 1NX | 53.46962 | -2.166272 | 389060 | 397000 | SJ890969 | Yes |
M11 1WT | 53.47099 | -2.163822 | 389223 | 397152 | SJ892971 | Yes |
M11 1WU | 53.470091 | -2.164089 | 389205 | 397052 | SJ892970 | Yes |
M11 1WX | 53.470271 | -2.163713 | 389230 | 397072 | SJ892970 | Yes |
M11 1WZ | 53.47028 | -2.163713 | 389230 | 397073 | SJ892970 | No |