This page provides postcode data for the E00179077 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 131 households with a population of about 342 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO3 4BU | 50.906216 | -1.307157 | 448812 | 112089 | SU488120 | No |
SO3 4BY | 50.905711 | -1.308303 | 448732 | 112032 | SU487120 | No |
SO3 4DB | 50.905157 | -1.310473 | 448580 | 111969 | SU485119 | No |
SO3 4DD | 50.905578 | -1.310196 | 448599 | 112016 | SU485120 | No |
SO3 4DH | 50.90646 | -1.308732 | 448701 | 112115 | SU487121 | No |
SO3 4DR | 50.905869 | -1.312268 | 448453 | 112047 | SU484120 | No |
SO3 4LA | 50.904524 | -1.308334 | 448731 | 111900 | SU487119 | No |
SO3 4PR | 50.905733 | -1.309013 | 448682 | 112034 | SU486120 | No |
SO30 0BU | 50.906162 | -1.30709 | 448817 | 112083 | SU488120 | Yes |
SO30 0BY | 50.905702 | -1.308292 | 448733 | 112031 | SU487120 | Yes |
SO30 0DB | 50.905157 | -1.310416 | 448584 | 111969 | SU485119 | Yes |
SO30 0DD | 50.905569 | -1.310185 | 448600 | 112015 | SU485120 | Yes |
SO30 0DH | 50.90645 | -1.308722 | 448702 | 112114 | SU487121 | Yes |
SO30 0DR | 50.905896 | -1.312296 | 448451 | 112050 | SU484120 | Yes |
SO30 0LA | 50.904471 | -1.308481 | 448721 | 111894 | SU487118 | Yes |
SO30 0PR | 50.905733 | -1.308974 | 448685 | 112034 | SU486120 | Yes |
SO30 4DD | 50.904966 | -1.311688 | 448495 | 111947 | SU484119 | Yes |
SO30 4DN | 50.904844 | -1.310708 | 448564 | 111934 | SU485119 | Yes |