This page provides postcode data for the E00178751 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 170 households with a population of about 329 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
NW9 7AB | 51.575528 | -0.241274 | 521972 | 187761 | TQ219877 | Yes |
NW9 7AD | 51.575815 | -0.24122 | 521975 | 187793 | TQ219877 | Yes |
NW9 7AG | 51.576051 | -0.241355 | 521965 | 187819 | TQ219878 | Yes |
NW9 7AH | 51.575509 | -0.240582 | 522020 | 187760 | TQ220877 | Yes |
NW9 7BG | 51.575355 | -0.241743 | 521940 | 187741 | TQ219877 | No |
NW9 7GD | 51.576044 | -0.240666 | 522013 | 187819 | TQ220878 | Yes |
NW9 7QJ | 51.575847 | -0.240959 | 521993 | 187797 | TQ219877 | No |