This page provides postcode data for the E00175275 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 113 households with a population of about 273 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
W2 5EU | 51.521197 | -0.196334 | 525235 | 181795 | TQ252817 | Yes |
W9 2BB | 51.522125 | -0.198157 | 525106 | 181895 | TQ251818 | No |
W9 2BW | 51.521871 | -0.197292 | 525167 | 181868 | TQ251818 | Yes |
W9 3RL | 51.522149 | -0.196801 | 525200 | 181900 | TQ251819 | No |
W9 3TU | 51.522273 | -0.197257 | 525168 | 181913 | TQ251819 | Yes |
W9 3UD | 51.52187 | -0.196826 | 525199 | 181869 | TQ251818 | Yes |
W9 3UE | 51.52177 | -0.196758 | 525204 | 181858 | TQ252818 | Yes |
W9 3UF | 51.521671 | -0.196719 | 525207 | 181847 | TQ252818 | Yes |