This page provides postcode data for the E00174960 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 153 households with a population of about 288 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
E16 1AP | 51.507892 | 0.020767 | 540337 | 180709 | TQ403807 | Yes |
E16 1AQ | 51.507577 | 0.020782 | 540339 | 180674 | TQ403806 | Yes |
E16 1AR | 51.507565 | 0.021502 | 540389 | 180674 | TQ403806 | Yes |
E16 1AT | 51.507569 | 0.021229 | 540370 | 180674 | TQ403806 | Yes |
E16 1FA | 51.507584 | 0.019902 | 540278 | 180673 | TQ402806 | Yes |
E16 1GB | 51.507494 | 0.016196 | 540021 | 180656 | TQ400806 | Yes |
E16 1ZE | 51.507495 | 0.016223 | 540023 | 180656 | TQ400806 | Yes |