This page provides postcode data for the E00168568 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 104 households with a population of about 187 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
LN1 2GG | 53.248961 | -0.595064 | 493840 | 373359 | SK938733 | Yes |
LN1 2LW | 53.24736 | -0.594951 | 493851 | 373181 | SK938731 | Yes |
LN1 2WQ | 53.247967 | -0.593837 | 493924 | 373250 | SK939732 | Yes |
LN1 2WR | 53.247484 | -0.593284 | 493962 | 373197 | SK939731 | Yes |