This page provides postcode data for the E00167973 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 78 households with a population of about 558 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SO23 0HY | 51.058442 | -1.307614 | 448621 | 129017 | SU486290 | Yes |
SO23 8HY | 51.058442 | -1.307614 | 448621 | 129017 | SU486290 | No |
SO23 8HZ | 51.058291 | -1.307916 | 448600 | 129000 | SU486289 | No |
SO23 9LT | 51.059068 | -1.313084 | 448237 | 129083 | SU482290 | Yes |
SO23 9LU | 51.059512 | -1.310509 | 448417 | 129134 | SU484291 | No |
SO23 9LX | 51.058668 | -1.313903 | 448180 | 129038 | SU481290 | Yes |
SO23 9LY | 51.058557 | -1.313377 | 448217 | 129026 | SU482290 | Yes |
SO23 9LZ | 51.058768 | -1.314087 | 448167 | 129049 | SU481290 | Yes |
SO23 9NB | 51.058651 | -1.310893 | 448391 | 129038 | SU483290 | Yes |
SO23 9ND | 51.059035 | -1.310573 | 448413 | 129081 | SU484290 | Yes |
SO23 9NF | 51.0571 | -1.308619 | 448552 | 128867 | SU485288 | Yes |
SO23 9NH | 51.057401 | -1.309356 | 448500 | 128900 | SU485289 | No |
SO23 9NJ | 51.057891 | -1.308607 | 448552 | 128955 | SU485289 | Yes |
SO23 9NU | 51.058183 | -1.307789 | 448609 | 128988 | SU486289 | Yes |
SO23 9NX | 51.057973 | -1.308834 | 448536 | 128964 | SU485289 | Yes |
SO23 9NY | 51.057401 | -1.309356 | 448500 | 128900 | SU485289 | No |
SO23 9PD | 51.058233 | -1.314866 | 448113 | 128989 | SU481289 | Yes |