This page provides postcode data for the E00167371 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 109 households with a population of about 218 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CB2 0NT | 52.190048 | 0.135097 | 546047 | 256793 | TL460567 | Yes |
CB2 0NU | 52.189244 | 0.134824 | 546031 | 256703 | TL460567 | Yes |
CB2 2NY | 52.188635 | 0.134431 | 546006 | 256635 | TL460566 | No |
CB2 2RR | 52.189221 | 0.134371 | 546000 | 256700 | TL459567 | No |
CB2 8NX | 52.189224 | 0.135191 | 546056 | 256702 | TL460567 | Yes |
CB2 8NY | 52.188645 | 0.134402 | 546004 | 256636 | TL460566 | Yes |