This page provides postcode data for the E00167033 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 163 households with a population of about 421 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
RG2 9DD | 51.408234 | -0.952703 | 472939 | 168210 | SU729682 | Yes |
RG2 9DP | 51.408153 | -0.949585 | 473156 | 168204 | SU731682 | Yes |
RG2 9GA | 51.408799 | -0.950477 | 473093 | 168275 | SU730682 | Yes |
RG2 9HJ | 51.408795 | -0.953172 | 472906 | 168272 | SU729682 | Yes |
RG2 9LD | 51.409337 | -0.951269 | 473037 | 168334 | SU730683 | Yes |
RG2 9LG | 51.409669 | -0.952225 | 472970 | 168370 | SU729683 | Yes |
RG2 9LQ | 51.408484 | -0.947464 | 473303 | 168243 | SU733682 | Yes |