This page provides postcode data for the E00160707 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 140 households with a population of about 254 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GU29 9BS | 50.981251 | -0.746588 | 488084 | 120952 | SU880209 | Yes |
GU29 9BU | 50.979376 | -0.748154 | 487978 | 120742 | SU879207 | Yes |
GU29 9EQ | 50.980212 | -0.748075 | 487982 | 120835 | SU879208 | Yes |
GU29 9FP | 50.98065 | -0.745066 | 488192 | 120887 | SU881208 | Yes |
GU29 9HP | 50.980777 | -0.745438 | 488166 | 120901 | SU881209 | Yes |
GU29 9HR | 50.980468 | -0.745988 | 488128 | 120866 | SU881208 | Yes |
GU29 9HS | 50.980616 | -0.747181 | 488044 | 120881 | SU880208 | Yes |
GU29 9HT | 50.980717 | -0.746565 | 488087 | 120893 | SU880208 | Yes |
GU29 9QY | 50.982154 | -0.748892 | 487921 | 121050 | SU879210 | Yes |
GU29 9TJ | 50.978667 | -0.749142 | 487910 | 120662 | SU879206 | Yes |