This page provides postcode data for the E00160270 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 171 households with a population of about 384 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
PO21 1AN | 50.788289 | -0.673434 | 493605 | 99585 | SZ936995 | Yes |
PO21 1AR | 50.789394 | -0.673374 | 493607 | 99708 | SZ936997 | Yes |
PO21 1AT | 50.790087 | -0.673425 | 493602 | 99785 | SZ936997 | Yes |
PO21 1AW | 50.7887 | -0.674018 | 493563 | 99630 | SZ935996 | Yes |
PO21 1BD | 50.788024 | -0.673193 | 493622 | 99556 | SZ936995 | Yes |
PO21 1FL | 50.78843 | -0.673189 | 493622 | 99601 | SZ936996 | Yes |
PO21 1YA | 50.789179 | -0.674189 | 493550 | 99683 | SZ935996 | Yes |