This page provides postcode data for the E00155946 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 120 households with a population of about 279 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
RH6 7DA | 51.165495 | -0.161327 | 528655 | 142301 | TQ286423 | Yes |
RH6 7DB | 51.164068 | -0.161498 | 528647 | 142142 | TQ286421 | Yes |
RH6 7GU | 51.167604 | -0.161615 | 528629 | 142535 | TQ286425 | Yes |
RH6 7JN | 51.167423 | -0.161522 | 528636 | 142515 | TQ286425 | No |
RH6 7JW | 51.16694 | -0.161656 | 528628 | 142461 | TQ286424 | Yes |