This page provides postcode data for the E00155328 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 166 households with a population of about 402 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
GU1 1AG | 51.248812 | -0.578986 | 499275 | 150919 | SU992509 | Yes |
GU1 1AJ | 51.248891 | -0.578346 | 499319 | 150929 | SU993509 | Yes |
GU1 1AS | 51.247703 | -0.575796 | 499500 | 150800 | SU995507 | No |
GU1 1AT | 51.248434 | -0.573008 | 499693 | 150885 | SU996508 | No |
GU1 1AZ | 51.247703 | -0.575796 | 499500 | 150800 | SU995507 | No |
GU1 1BP | 51.247755 | -0.580093 | 499200 | 150800 | SU991507 | No |
GU1 1BT | 51.247831 | -0.57668 | 499438 | 150813 | SU994508 | Yes |
GU1 1BU | 51.249259 | -0.580262 | 499185 | 150967 | SU991509 | No |
GU1 1BX | 51.247755 | -0.580093 | 499200 | 150800 | SU991507 | No |
GU1 1BY | 51.24888 | -0.577207 | 499399 | 150929 | SU993509 | No |
GU1 1BZ | 51.248463 | -0.575709 | 499504 | 150885 | SU995508 | Yes |
GU1 1DB | 51.248442 | -0.575157 | 499543 | 150883 | SU995508 | Yes |
GU1 1DD | 51.247721 | -0.577228 | 499400 | 150800 | SU994508 | No |
GU1 1DF | 51.248567 | -0.572904 | 499700 | 150900 | SU996508 | No |
GU1 1DG | 51.248567 | -0.572904 | 499700 | 150900 | SU996508 | No |
GU1 1DL | 51.247929 | -0.576184 | 499472 | 150825 | SU994508 | Yes |
GU1 1DN | 51.247043 | -0.574334 | 499603 | 150729 | SU996507 | Yes |
GU1 1DS | 51.247703 | -0.575796 | 499500 | 150800 | SU995507 | No |
GU1 1DT | 51.2475 | -0.579055 | 499273 | 150773 | SU992507 | Yes |
GU1 1DU | 51.247202 | -0.578176 | 499335 | 150741 | SU993507 | No |
GU1 1DW | 51.247335 | -0.57436 | 499601 | 150761 | SU996507 | Yes |
GU1 1DX | 51.247127 | -0.578286 | 499327 | 150733 | SU993507 | Yes |
GU1 1EE | 51.248317 | -0.582992 | 498996 | 150859 | SU989508 | Yes |
GU1 1EW | 51.247194 | -0.576041 | 499484 | 150743 | SU994507 | Yes |
GU1 1FL | 51.247936 | -0.574521 | 499588 | 150828 | SU995508 | Yes |
GU1 1FP | 51.24843 | -0.572987 | 499694 | 150885 | SU996508 | Yes |
GU1 1HS | 51.246825 | -0.577514 | 499382 | 150700 | SU993507 | Yes |